Fat Removal

(Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation)

How does it work?

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is the ground-breaking technology that uses low-frequency sound waves to target and reduce stubborn unwanted areas of fat.

The sound waves apply pressure to the fat cells causing them to drain, this liquid toxin is then filtered through the lymphatic system and naturally detoxed out of the body.

Does it hurt?
This safe, non-invasive and pain free treatment is exactly that, completely pain free! During the treatment you will hear a frequency feedback sound wave however, is not painful and is proof that the treatment is in fact working.

How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments needed varies from person to person and will be discussed in your initial consultation, where we will tailor a plan specific to your individual goals, anywhere between 4 to 8 sessions may be recommended for optimal results.



Stomach $145

Love Handles $120

Stomach and Love Handles $205

Inner Thighs $120

Outer Thighs $120

Inner and Outer Thighs $180

Back $105

Arms $110

Banana Roll $110

Ankles $110

Knees $85


Bundle of 6 areas- 15% Off

Bundle of 8 areas - 20% Off


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